The Leading Edge

Supercharging innovation through the power of Neurodiversity.

Dedicated to creating a seamless Kindergarten to Workforce pathway for those who are neurodivergent, our team provides professional development workshops, certification classes, and consulting services for corporations, government agencies, and schools.

Through these initiatives, our mission is to empower, build, and integrate neurodiversity into organizations by providing our clients the tools, techniques, and training they need to create inclusive work environments based on Universal Design Principles. Our programs, classes, and consulting services are designed to aid these organizations create environments that both attract and retain neurodivergent employees.

Contact Us


Professional Development

We teach a variety of courses in neurodiversity ranging from general overviews to specialized certification classes. Classes are customized to your organization’s specific values, goals, and objectives.


We work alongside HR and management teams to create inclusive work environments using Universal Design Principles.

“Neurodiversity may be the birthplace of some of humanity’s greatest minds.”

– Harvey Blume

Get in Touch

Let us know how we can help you supercharge your organization through the power of Neurodiversity!